The founding team of Professor Stephan Bone-Winkel, Oliver Puhl and Dr Karim Rochdi draws on more than 66 years of combined experience and a remarkable track record in the real estate and capital markets.


Professor Stephan Bone-Winkel


  • Since 2020: AVENTOS Capital Markets GmbH & Co. KG, member of the Investment Committee
  • Since 2018: ceos Investment GmbH, independent Investment Manager
  • 1997-2018: BEOS AG, Investment Manager and Project Developer for commercial real estate (€4 billion AuM)
  • Since 2006: University of Regensburg (IRE|BS), Honorary Professor for Real Estate Development
Professor Stephan Bone-Winkel

Oliver Puhl


  • Since 2020: AVENTOS Capital Markets GmbH & Co. KG, member of the Investment Committee
  • Since 2014: Puhl GmbH & Co. KG, independent advisory firm for real estate capital market transactions, M&A and restructurings
  • 2000-2014: Morgan Stanley, real estate investment banking
Oliver Puhl

Dr Karim Rochdi

Managing Partner und AVENTOS CAPITAL MARKETS Founding Partner

  • Since 2020: AVENTOS Capital Markets GmbH & Co. KG, member of the Investment Committee
  • Since 2019: AVENTOS Management GmbH, independent Investment Manager and Project Developer
  • 2015-2019: BEOS AG, Investment Manager and Project Developer for commercial real estate (€4 billion AuM)
  • 2012-2015: University of Regensburg (IRE|BS), Research Assistant for Real Estate Capital Markets
Dr Karim Rochdi

Track Record




in direct real estate transactions and developments



average IRR from more than €1 billion of direct real estate investments



raised from 40 institutional real estate investors



transaction volume in 46 real estate capital market and M&A transactions



of research in real estate investment